Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Superficial Evangelism

I was reading through the essential convictions of HeartCry Missionary Society and wanted to share one in particular:

Superficial Evangelism is one of the Great Obstacles to Missions. Non-theological preaching, entertaining skits, and Gospel films are no substitute for the biblical exposition of the Gospel. Inviting men to raise their hands and pray a prayer is no substitute for the biblical call to repentance, faith, and personal discipleship. Biblical assurance of salvation does not flow from a past decision or a prayer, but from the examination of one’s enduring lifestyle in the light of Scripture.

I picked up a copy of a 64-page booklet called "Valuable Selections from the Writings of George Müller" from the HeartCry information booth at the conference I attended in October. I finally got around to reading it.  What a compelling testimony of God's grace and power written therein!  Here are the major takeaways I got from my reading:
  • A child of God must willing to be a channel through which His blessings flow, both with regard to temporal and spiritual things.
  • Nourish "the inner man" daily - in the mornings before starting your day, meditate on the Holy Scriptures: [no new age spirituality here!] consider what you read in the Bible, ponder over it and apply it to your heart. 
The booklet is available for purchase at Granted Ministries.

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