Tuesday, November 11, 2008

'She worketh willingly with her hands'

I would like to share with you a bit about the handicraft venture that I have started. Right now I make earrings and maybe I will branch out into other types of jewelry, utilitarian items, and paper craft. It's called Eishes Chayil Handicraft. You can visit the website here.

I used to hold up Proverbs 31 as an idol but now I understand it was the woman's fear of the one and perfect God that made her worthy to be praised. Everything that she did flowed from her love for Him. If I do get married (God-willing), here are some of the ways I am preparing: maintaining a solid relationship with God through Jesus Christ '…so that in everything [I] may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior' (Titus 2), eliminating student loan debt, strengthening skills in areas that will generate income from the home, budgeting, and learning how to maintain a household.

Whether single or married, I hope to redeem the time for Christ and his Kingdom with integrity and excellence. Click here for a wonderful exegesis on Proverbs 31.

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